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To honor Tom’s courage, his vision, and his belief in the power of the NACTT and its members to undertake the mission of the Inclusion and Acceptance Committee, we are proud to name this internship program after him, so that each intern who becomes a part of this program will know Tom’s story and be inspired by his example.

As of September 28, 2023, 14 Interns have participated in the NACTT Internship Program from 8 different Chapter 13 Trustees Office.

Howard (D.C.)
Thurgood Marshall/ Texas Southern (Houston, TX)
Florida A&M (Tallahassee, FL)
Southern (Baton Rouge, LA)

North Carolina Central (Durham, NC)

For more information about the internship program, contact David Peake

Co-Chair – Liz Rojas
Co-Chair – Dynele Schinker-Kuharich

NACTT Internship Handbook 

Copyright 2023 by National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees  | All rights reserved.